CASE STUDY: City of Durham Fire Station #1
Two sets of concrete steps outside the City of Durham’s Fire Station #1 were significantly deteriorated and were ponding water and ice, causing slip and trip hazards.
Two sets of concrete steps outside the City of Durham’s Fire Station #1 were significantly deteriorated and were ponding water and ice, causing slip and trip hazards.
See how this restaurant was able to take care of their concrete damage and save both time and money without doing a complete tear out and replacement.
The New Castle, Pa., Police Department was looking to crack the case on some concrete issues it was experiencing. Enter Simon Surfaces.
The department’s concrete garage floor was becoming a safety hazard. Specifically, the deteriorating surface was riddled with serious slip-and-fall concerns. And multiple coats of paint were evidence of attempts to cover many years’ worth of damage.
When your concrete thresholds start deteriorating there are generally two outcomes you can predict with great authority – safety concerns and an unprofessional appearance. A self-storage business with locations in Ohio and Kentucky wasn’t interested in risking either of these.
That’s why they summoned Simon Surfaces. It was time for a smart, long-term and cost-effective solution.