HD Before

Let the numbers speak for themselves: Epoxy vs. Concrete

From pitting and spalling to the cracks that will inevitably appear, concrete damage on your curbs, walkways and ramps can be a nuisance. When it comes time to address these areas, take note of the advantageous strength and durability benefits of concrete-alternative epoxies. Let the numbers speak for themselves. Look at the epoxy systems’ compression…

GI Before

Spend Less, Pump More by Restoring, not Replacing Fuel Island Foundations

Crumbling, deteriorating concrete fuel islands are as much of an eyesore for customers as they are for store management. They don’t leave a good first impression and can be a safety hazard.

Many times, the reason for ignoring deteriorated fuel island foundations is perceived cost and disruption. The reality is that both can end up being be a welcome surprise when done properly. Particularly when you realize you don’t have to remove pumps or shut down operations to get the job completed.