Benefits of Using Epoxies in Concrete Repairs

Question: When should epoxies be used on repair or resurfacing jobs? Answer: It makes sense in the fact that it’s a quicker process with less downtime. With concrete, when you repair something, you need to tear out sections of it. Where Simon Surfaces comes into play, we can do anything from a foot wide to 1,000…

Gas Island After

Restoring Concrete Fuel Islands with Epoxies

Question: How is epoxy used in fuel island restorations? Answer: Our product is basically made out of 100 percent solid epoxy. For a gas island, it’s a three-step build-up process. First, we would take off and remove the metal, and then we would form the island up. We would then mix our epoxy with a special…

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Why Metal Should be Removed from Fuel Pump Islands

Question: Why doesn’t Simon Surfaces use metal bands in its fuel island restorations? Answer: There are some notable disadvantages to using metal bands. Obviously over time, they’re going to deteriorate due to rust. Once they starts rusting, there’s nothing you can do about it. If a car would strike it, it’s going to make a sharp…

Examining Concretes Most Common Issues

Examining Concretes Most Common Issues

Question: What are the most common concrete issues you see? Answer: The most common issue we see is cracking. Concrete is designed to crack. You try to make it crack where you would like it to, but it doesn’t always work that way. That’s our biggest customer issue because it usually develops into a trip hazard,…

Repairing Sidewalks with Concrete-Alternatives

Questions: I have a few cracks and splits in my concrete sidewalk. How can they easily and cost-effectively resolve? Answer: When there are splits and cracks in sidewalks, there are normally one or two procedures. The first is a basic concrete repair so if there are isolated areas in the concrete causing trip hazards, we saw-cut…

The Most Effective Way to Restore Fuel Islands

Question: My fuel islands are rusted and chipped. Can they be restored without shutting down my station for days on end? Answer: Restoring fuel islands is a newer process in the industry. Most convenience stores and gas stations are used to removing the pumps, tearing out the entire island and starting from scratch. Now with…