Office building’s damaged concrete and tile entryway resolved in one day

The main entrance went from having weathered, damaged tile to having an anti-slip, attractive surface – in just one day. That was the end result for a state-of-the-art biotechnology office and lab in Durham, N.C., whose main entryway had become a real eyesore. It certainly wasn’t presenting the positive image they aimed for. And it was now posing a safety concern for employees and visitors.

Epoxy Mortar v Concrete

Epoxy systems provide strong relief from concrete’s weaknesses

Epoxy systems provide strong relief from concrete’s weaknesses From pitting and spalling to the cracks that will inevitably appear, concrete damage on your curbs, walkways and ramps can be a nuisance. When it comes time to address these areas, take note of the advantageous strength and durability benefits of concrete-alternative epoxies. Let the numbers speak…